Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 11, 2016

KFC Marketing story - part 9

Hi guys!
For this week, what I will mention is about targeting and positioning in the marketing process of KFC. Let’s start!

6.    No brand positioning should ever be done without doing some research first. The reason is simple: it is likely that where and how you think your brand should be positioned is quite different from what consumers want, expect, and will accept. Create a short questionnaire with which you can measure the consumer perceptions of your product. You might use existing brand positioning questionnaires as inspiration.

1, Which are the three fast food restaurants you can think of? 

2, How often do you eat fast food in one month?
a.    Never
b.    Once a month
c.    2-3 times a month
d.    4-5 times a month
e.    More than 5 times

3, Which fast food restaurant have the best price?
a.    Burger King
b.    McDonald’s
c.    KFC
d.    Subways
e.    Other: _____________________

4, Have you ever eaten at KFC?
Yes _____
No   _____
If “No”, please move to question 16

5, If “Yes”, when is the latest time you ate at KFC?
a.    Last week
b.    Last month
c.    Few months ago
d.    Last year

6, How familiar are you when using KFC’
 Not familiar   |___|___|___|___|___| Very familiar
 1     2     3     4     5
7, What make you choose KFC?
a.    To eat chicken
b.    Quality of food
c.    Good price
d.    Convenience

8, What do you think is the advantage of KFC’s menu?
a.    Family and couple combos
b.    Healthy menu items
c.    Extra crispy
d.    Diverse types of chicken

9, Do you think that KFC is a common family restaurant?
Disagree   |___|___|___|___|___| Agree
 1     2     3     4     5

10, What is the impression of KFC in your mind?
a.    Fried chicken
b.    Family meals
c.    Average price and quality
d.    Other: ________________________

11, How many KFC advertisements on TV of any other source of media have you seen in the last few months?
a.    0
b.    1-5
c.    6-10
d.    More than 10.

12, Will you accept the new and better options of KFC in the future?
Yes             _____
No               _____
No answer  _____
13, On which field do you believe that KFC is concentrating on?
a.    Convenience
b.    Price
c.    Health & quality
d.    Other ____________

14, Which firm that you considered to be the biggest competitors of KFC?
a.    McDonald
b.    Burger King
c.    Subways
d.    Other ____________

15, In your opinion, what are the positive aspects of KFC:

16, In your opinion, what are the negative aspects of KFC:
7.    Execute three face to face interviews with your friends and/or members of your family, based on the questionnaire you created. Create a positioning map for your product, based on these interviews.
After evaluating the result of three interviews, I have made a basic scoring system to determine the position of KFC in the fast food industry.
-       Healthy Food (9) Junk Food (1)
·         McDonalds = 6
·         Burger King = 5
·         Wendy’s = 7
·         KFC = 4
·         Subway = 8
·         Pizza Hut = 4
-       Wide Choice (9) Limited Choice (1)
·         McDonalds = 7
·         Burger King = 5
·         Wendy’s = 3
·         KFC = 7
·         Subway = 6
·         Pizza Hut = 6
è Positioning map of KFC:

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